
Nicolas H. Younan

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14EESurya S. Durbha, Roger L. King, Nicolas H. Younan, Santosh A. Rajender, Shruthi Bheemireddy: Standards-Based Coastal Sensor Web. ICDM Workshops 2008: 369-374
13EEQian Du, Nicolas H. Younan: Dimensionality Reduction and Linear Discriminant Analysis for Hyperspectral Image Classification. KES (3) 2008: 392-399
12 Karthik Ponnala, Nicolas H. Younan: Adaptive Image Segmentation: A Comparative Study. IPCV 2007: 349-352
11 Zhiling Long, Nicolas H. Younan: Adaptive Deblocking of Images with DCT Compression. IPCV 2006: 430-435
10 John Ball, Nishant Chandra, Nicolas H. Younan: Enhancements of Fingerprints Based Identity Authentication System Using Adaptive Algorithms. CISST 2005: 27-32
9 Nishant Chandra, Nicolas H. Younan: A Support Vector Machine Formulation To Kernel PCA. IC-AI 2005: 600-605
8EETorey Alford, Vijay P. Shah, Anthony Skjellum, Nicolas H. Younan, Clayborne D. Taylor: inAspect: interfacing Java and VSIPL applications. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(7-8): 919-940 (2005)
7EEVijay P. Shah, Nicolas H. Younan, Torey Alford, Anthony Skjellum: A spectral estimation toolkit for Java applications. Sci. Comput. Program. 54(1): 125-142 (2005)
6 Vijay P. Shah, Nicolas H. Younan, L. M. Bruce: Optimal Filtering for Texture Classification: A Comparative Study. CISST 2004: 106-112
5 Xudong Zhang, Nicolas H. Younan: A Wavelet-Based Automated Object Recognition System for Remotely Sensed Images. CISST 2004: 391-398
4EEVijay P. Shah, Nicolas H. Younan, Torey Alford, Anthony Skjellum: An advanced signal processing toolkit for JAVA applications. PPPJ 2003: 149-154
3EEVijay P. Shah, Anthony Skjellum, Nicolas H. Younan, Torey Alford, D. Whitcomb, A. Watkins: inAspect™: interfacing Java and VSIPL. Java Grande 2002: 148-155
2 S. Leong, Nicolas H. Younan: A Variable Step Size Adaptive LMS Filter Using Fuzzy Logic. IC-AI 1999: 676-681
1 Nicolas H. Younan, R. Soundararajan: On Using Combined Wavelet/SVD-Prony Algorithm to Estimate the Parameters of Damped Sinusoids in Noise. SIP 1999: 89-94

Coauthor Index

1Torey Alford [3] [4] [7] [8]
2John Ball [10]
3Shruthi Bheemireddy [14]
4L. M. Bruce [6]
5Nishant Chandra [9] [10]
6Qian Du [13]
7Surya S. Durbha [14]
8Roger L. King [14]
9S. Leong [2]
10Zhiling Long [11]
11Karthik Ponnala [12]
12Santosh A. Rajender [14]
13Vijay P. Shah [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
14Anthony Skjellum [3] [4] [7] [8]
15R. Soundararajan [1]
16Clayborne D. Taylor [8]
17A. Watkins [3]
18D. Whitcomb [3]
19Xudong Zhang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)