
Cheolwoo You

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9EECheolwoo You, Wonzoo Chung, Taehyun Jeon: A flexible multicarrier CDMA system with time-varying data rates and services. Int. J. Communication Systems 22(5): 585-602 (2009)
8EEKwangwook Choi, Cheolwoo You, Intae Hwang, Sangjin Ryoo, Kyunghwan Lee, Taejin Jung, Cheolsung Kim: Adaptive Modulation and Coding Scheme with Independent MCS Level Selection in MIMO Systems. IEICE Transactions 91-A(4): 1226-1228 (2008)
7EEInsoo Hwang, Cheolwoo You, Dongho Kim, Yungsoo Kim, Vahid Tarokh: A Broadcast Scheme for MIMO Systems with Channel State Information at the Transmitter. IEICE Transactions 91-B(2): 613-617 (2008)
6EESangjin Ryoo, Kyunghwan Lee, Cheolwoo You, Intae Hwang: Iterative Decoding Algorithm in the Adaptive Modulation and Coding System with MIMO Schemes. IEICE Transactions 91-B(4): 1180-1184 (2008)
5EEInsoo Hwang, Dongho Kim, Cheolwoo You, Yungsoo Kim, Vahid Tarokh: A New Practical Dirty-Paper Coding Strategy in MIMO System. CISS 2007: 125-129
4EEInsoo Hwang, Cheolwoo You, Yungsoo Kim, Vahid Tarokh: Antenna Selection Strategies for MIMO Systems. ICC 2007: 4140-4143
3EEYe Hoon Lee, Dong Ho Kim, Jaekwon Kim, Cheolwoo You: Power, Rate and Hopping Adaptations in Hybrid DS/FH CDMA Communications over Slow Rayleigh Fading Channels. IEICE Transactions 89-B(6): 1799-1806 (2006)
2EECheolwoo You, Daesik Hong: Nonlinear blind equalization schemes using complex-valued multilayer feedforward neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9(6): 1442-1455 (1998)
1EESangmok Lee, Cheolwoo You, Daesik Hong: Rapid acquisition using a neural network in DS/SS communication systems. Neurocomputing 17(3-4): 135-140 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Kwangwook Choi [8]
2Wonzoo Chung [9]
3Daesik Hong [1] [2]
4Insoo Hwang [4] [5] [7]
5Intae Hwang [6] [8]
6Taehyun Jeon [9]
7Taejin Jung [8]
8Cheolsung Kim [8]
9Dong Ho Kim [3]
10Dongho Kim [5] [7]
11Jaekwon Kim [3]
12Yungsoo Kim [4] [5] [7]
13Kyunghwan Lee [6] [8]
14Sangmok Lee [1]
15Ye Hoon Lee [3]
16Sangjin Ryoo [6] [8]
17Vahid Tarokh [4] [5] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)