
Yasunari Yoshitomi

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3EEYoshiaki Sugimoto, Yasunari Yoshitomi, Shigeyuki Tomita: A method for detecting transitions of emotional states using a thermal facial image based on a synthesis of facial expressions. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 31(3): 147-160 (2000)
2 Yasunari Yoshitomi, Tomohiro Shii, Tetsuro Kitazoe: Fast Calculation Method for Stereoscopic Vision with Pattern Recognition Equation and Image Processing. ICONIP 1998: 387-390
1 Tetsuro Kitazoe, Junichi Tomiyama, Yasunari Yoshitomi, Tomohiro Shii: Sequential Stereoscopic Vision and Hysteresis. ICONIP 1998: 391-396

Coauthor Index

1Tetsuro Kitazoe [1] [2]
2Tomohiro Shii [1] [2]
3Yoshiaki Sugimoto [3]
4Shigeyuki Tomita [3]
5Junichi Tomiyama [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)