
Motoharu Yoshida

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4EEMichael E. Hasselmo, Lisa M. Giocomo, Mark P. Brandon, Motoharu Yoshida: Mechanisms for Memory-Guided Behavior Involving Persistent Firing and Theta Rhythm Oscillations in the Entorhinal Cortex. Summer School on Neural Networks 2007: 28-37
3EEMotoharu Yoshida, Hatsuo Hayashi: Emergence of sequence sensitivity in a hippocampal CA3-CA1 model. Neural Networks 20(6): 653-667 (2007)
2EEHatsuo Hayashi, Motoharu Yoshida: A Memory Model Based on Dynamical Behaviour of the Hippocampus. KES 2004: 967-973
1EEMotoharu Yoshida, Hatsuo Hayashi, Katsumi Tateno, Satoru Ishizuka: Stochastic resonance in the hippocampal CA3-CA1 model: a possible memory recall mechanism. Neural Networks 15(10): 1171-1183 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Mark P. Brandon [4]
2Lisa M. Giocomo [4]
3Michael E. Hasselmo [4]
4Hatsuo Hayashi [1] [2] [3]
5Satoru Ishizuka [1]
6Katsumi Tateno [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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