
Kang Sik Yoon

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3EEKang Sik Yoon, Byung-Uk Lee, Rae-Hong Park, Woo-Shik Kim: Registration of Range Images Considering Depth Measurement Error. MVA 2000: 489-492
2EEKang Sik Yoon, Young Kug Ham, Rae-Hong Park: Hybrid approaches to frontal view face recognition using the hidden Markov model and neural network. Pattern Recognition 31(3): 283-293 (1998)
1EERae-Hong Park, Kang Sik Yoon, Woo Young Choi: Eight-point discrete Hartley transform as an edge operator and its interpretation in the frequency domain. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(7): 569-574 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Woo Young Choi [1]
2Young Kug Ham [2]
3Woo-Shik Kim [3]
4Byung-Uk Lee [3]
5Rae-Hong Park [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)