
Hyoseok Yoon

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5EEYoungjung Suh, Youngmin Park, Hyoseok Yoon, Yoonje Chang, Woontack Woo: Context-Aware Mobile AR System for Personalization, Selective Sharing, and Interaction of Contents in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. HCI (2) 2007: 966-974
4EEChoonsung Shin, Hyoseok Yoon, Woontack Woo: Media Service Mediation Supporting Resident's Collaboration in ubiTV. HCI (3) 2007: 953-962
3EEHyoseok Yoon, Hyejin Kim, Woontack Woo: Personal Companion: Personalized User Interface for U-Service Discovery, Selection and Interaction. HCI (6) 2007: 1052-1061
2EEChoonsung Shin, Hyoseok Yoon, Jung-Hyun Han, Umar Rashid, Woontack Woo: Community-based Harmonious Media Space for a Group of Users. ISUVR 2007
1EEHyoseok Yoon, Sanggoog Lee, Woontack Woo: Discovery, Selection and Interaction as Requirements for Personal Mobile Systems. ISUVR 2007

Coauthor Index

1Yoonje Chang [5]
2Jung-Hyun Han [2]
3Hyejin Kim [3]
4Sanggoog Lee [1]
5Youngmin Park [5]
6Umar Rashid [2]
7Choonsung Shin [2] [4]
8Youngjung Suh [5]
9Woontack Woo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)