
Hyo Sun Yoon

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11EEHyeSuk Kim, Hyo Sun Yoon, Kien Nguyen Trung, Gueesang Lee: Automatic Lung Segmentation in CT Images Using Anisotropic Diffusion and Morphology Operation. CIT 2007: 557-561
10EEJonghyun Park, Hyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee: Automatic Segmentation of Natural Scene Images Based on Chromatic and Achromatic Components. MIRAGE 2007: 482-493
9EEHyo Sun Yoon, Jaemyeong Yoo, Toan Nguyen Dinh, Hwa Jeong Son, Mi Seon Park, Gueesang Lee: Fast Motion Estimation Using Spatio-temporal Correlations. ICAT 2006: 548-556
8EEHyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee, YoonJeong Shin: An Efficient Half Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Spatial Correlations. CIS 2004: 1224-1231
7EEHyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee, Soo-Hyung Kim, Deokjai Choi: Fast Half Pixel Motion Estimation Based on Spatio-temporal Correlations. ICONIP 2004: 732-737
6EEHyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee: Fast Half Pixel Motion Estimation Based on the Spatial Correlation. KES 2004: 880-886
5EEHyo Sun Yoon, Miyoung Kim: A Simplified Half Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the Spatial Correlation. PCM (2) 2004: 818-823
4EEHyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee, HyeSuk Kim, Miyoung Kim: Prediction-Based Simplified Half Pixel Motion Estimation. PDCAT 2004: 131-135
3EEHyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee: Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio-Temporal Correlations and Direction of Motion Vectors. CAIP 2003: 173-181
2 Hyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee: Motion estimation based on spatio-temporal correlations. ICIP (2) 2003: 359-362
1EEHyo Sun Yoon, Gueesang Lee: Low Complexity Motion Estimation Based on Spatio-temporal Correlations. IbPRIA 2003: 1090-1098

Coauthor Index

1Deokjai Choi [7]
2Toan Nguyen Dinh [9]
3HyeSuk Kim [4] [11]
4Miyoung Kim [4] [5]
5Soo-Hyung Kim [7]
6Gueesang Lee [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
7Jonghyun Park [10]
8Mi Seon Park [9]
9YoonJeong Shin [8]
10Hwa Jeong Son [9]
11Kien Nguyen Trung [11]
12Jaemyeong Yoo [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)