
Hyejung Yoon

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2EEMinsoo Lee, Hyejung Yoon, Yearn Jeong Kim, Yoon-kyung Lee: SMILE tree: a stream data multi-query indexing technique with level-dimension nodes and extended-range nodes. ICUIMC 2008: 101-107
1EEMinsoo Lee, Hyejung Yoon, Hyoseop Shin: Supporting Dynamic Workflows in a Ubiquitous Environment. MUE 2007: 272-277

Coauthor Index

1Yearn Jeong Kim [2]
2Minsoo Lee [1] [2]
3Yoon-kyung Lee [2]
4Hyoseop Shin [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)