
S. W. Yoo

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3EEIrfan Ahmed, Usman Tariq, Shoaib Mukhtar, Kyung-suk Lhee, S. W. Yoo, Piao Yanji, Manpyo Hong: Binding Update Authentication Scheme for Mobile IPv6. IAS 2007: 109-114
2 Hyun Bong Go, S. W. Yoo: An Adaptive Playout Algorithm Using Packet Loss Probability. PDPTA 2003: 889-894
1 S.-W. Kim, Sung-Jo Kim, Tae Il Jeong, S. W. Yoo: The optimal retrieval start times of media objects for the multimedia presentation. Information & Software Technology 43(4): 219-229 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Irfan Ahmed [3]
2Hyun Bong Go [2]
3Manpyo Hong [3]
4Tae Il Jeong [1]
5S.-W. Kim [1]
6Sung-Jo Kim [1]
7Kyung-suk Lhee [3]
8Shoaib Mukhtar [3]
9Usman Tariq [3]
10Piao Yanji [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)