
Junbeom Yoo

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6EEEunkyoung Jee, Seungjae Jeon, Hojung Bang, Sung Deok Cha, Junbeom Yoo, Gee-Yong Park, Kee-Choon Kwon: Testing of Timer Function Blocks in FBD. APSEC 2006: 243-250
5EEEunkyoung Jee, Junbeom Yoo, Sung Deok Cha: Control and Data Flow Testing on Function Block Diagrams. SAFECOMP 2005: 67-80
4EEJunbeom Yoo, Tai Hyo Kim, Sung Deok Cha, Jang-Soo Lee, Han Seong Son: A formal software requirements specification method for digital nuclear plant protection systems. Journal of Systems and Software 74(1): 73-83 (2005)
3 Seo Ryong Koo, Poong-Hyun Seong, Junbeom Yoo, Sung Deok Cha, Cheong Youn, Hyun-chul Han: An integrated environment of S/W specification and V&V for safety-critical systems. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering 2004: 607-612
2EEJunbeom Yoo, Sung Deok Cha, Han Seiong Son, Chang Hwoi Kim, Jang-Soo Lee: PLC-Based Safety Critical Software Development for Nuclear Power Plants. SAFECOMP 2004: 155-165
1EEJaemyung Cho, Junbeom Yoo, Sung Deok Cha: NuEditor - A Tool Suite for Specification and Verification of NuSCR. SERA 2004: 19-28

Coauthor Index

1Hojung Bang [6]
2Sung Deok Cha [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Jaemyung Cho [1]
4Hyun-chul Han [3]
5Eunkyoung Jee [5] [6]
6Seungjae Jeon [6]
7Chang Hwoi Kim [2]
8Tai Hyo Kim [4]
9Seo Ryong Koo [3]
10Kee-Choon Kwon [6]
11Jang-Soo Lee [2] [4]
12Gee-Yong Park [6]
13Poong-Hyun Seong [3]
14Han Seiong Son [2]
15Han Seong Son [4]
16Cheong Youn [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)