
Abbas Yongaçoglu

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17EEAli Al-Bashabsheh, Abbas Yongaçoglu: On the Capacity Bounds of Undirected Networks CoRR abs/0804.4455: (2008)
16EEAli Al-Bashabsheh, Abbas Yongaçoglu: On the k-pairs problem CoRR abs/0805.0050: (2008)
15EETuncer Baykas, Mohamed Siala, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Generalized decorrelating discrete-time rake receiver. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(12): 4268-4274 (2007)
14EEOzgur Ekici, Abbas Yongaçoglu: A novel association algorithm for congestion relief in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. IWCMC 2006: 725-730
13EEOzgur Ekici, Abbas Yongaçoglu, Mohamed Siala: A Novel Transmit Power Control Bit Estimation Technique for FDD-UMTS Downlink. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
12EENavamshan Murugesapillai, Tuncer Baykas, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Iterative Methods for the G-RAKE Receiver in HSDPA. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
11EETolga Kurt, Abbas Yongaçoglu, Jean-Yves Chouinard: OFDM and externally modulated multi-mode fibers in radio over fiber sy. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(10): 2669-2674 (2006)
10EEWei Zhang, Claude D'Amours, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Soft-input soft-output decorrelating detectors for coded multiuser systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(8-1): 2957-2960 (2005)
9EEGünes Karabulut, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Rate Design Rule for Rayleigh Fading Channels with Interleaving. ISCC 2003: 259-264
8EEIbrahim Altunbas, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Performance of Serially Concatenated Space-Time QPSK Systems. ISCC 2003: 271-276
7EELiang Zhang, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Multilevel Reed-Solomon Coding in Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Lines. ISCC 2000: 40-45
6EETariq Haddad, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Joint Source/Channel Soft Viterbi Decoding. ISCC 1999: 467-470
5 Tariq Haddad, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Soft-output trellis waveform coding. NSIP 1999: 254-258
4 Claude D'Amours, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Comparison of MFSK Variants for a Hybrid DS/FH-CDMA System. Information Theory and Applications 1995: 200-224
3 Ibrahim Ghareeb, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Joint Frequency-Phase Modulation over Rayleigh Fading Channels. Mobile Communications 1994: 101-112
2 C. Trabelsi, Abbas Yongaçoglu: Probability of packet success for asynchronous DS/CDMA with block and convolutional codes. Information Theory and Applications 1993: 191-202
1 Abbas Yongaçoglu, Dimitrios Makrakis, Kamilo Feher: I-Bit Differential Detection of GMSK with Data-Aided Phase Control. ICC 1986: 1809-1813

Coauthor Index

1Ali Al-Bashabsheh [16] [17]
2Ibrahim Altunbas [8]
3Tuncer Baykas [12] [15]
4Jean-Yves Chouinard [11]
5Claude D'Amours [4] [10]
6Ozgur Ekici [13] [14]
7Kamilo Feher [1]
8Ibrahim Ghareeb [3]
9Tariq Haddad [5] [6]
10Günes Karabulut [9]
11Tolga Kurt [11]
12Dimitrios Makrakis [1]
13Navamshan Murugesapillai [12]
14Mohamed Siala [13] [15]
15C. Trabelsi [2]
16Liang Zhang [7]
17Wei Zhang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)