
Hideo Yokota

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4EEHiroyuki Kataoka, Shigeho Noda, Hideo Yokota, Shu Takagi, Ryutaro Himeno, Shigenobu Okazawa: Simulations of Needle Insertion by Using a Eulerian Hydrocode FEM and the Experimental Validations. MICCAI (2) 2008: 560-568
3EEShin Yoshizawa, Alexander G. Belyaev, Hideo Yokota, Hans-Peter Seidel: Fast, robust, and faithful methods for detecting crest lines on meshes. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(8): 545-560 (2008)
2EEShin Yoshizawa, Alexander G. Belyaev, Hideo Yokota, Hans-Peter Seidel: Fast and Faithful Geometric Algorithm for Detecting Crest Lines on Meshes. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2007: 231-237
1EESatoko Takemoto, Taketoshi Mishima, Ryutaro Himeno, Junpei Kimura, Shigehisa Tsumagari, Hideo Yokota, Sakiko Nakamura, Ryutaro Himeno, Yasuo Nambo: Semi-automated color segmentation from a biological cross-sectional image series: follicle segmentation from the equine ovary. SMC (4) 2004: 3076-3081

Coauthor Index

1Alexander G. Belyaev [2] [3]
2Ryutaro Himeno [1] [4]
3Hiroyuki Kataoka [4]
4Junpei Kimura [1]
5Taketoshi Mishima [1]
6Sakiko Nakamura [1]
7Yasuo Nambo [1]
8Shigeho Noda [4]
9Shigenobu Okazawa [4]
10Hans-Peter Seidel [2] [3]
11Shu Takagi [4]
12Satoko Takemoto [1]
13Shigehisa Tsumagari [1]
14Shin Yoshizawa [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)