
Sheng-Cheng Yeh

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5EEMing-Yang Su, Sheng-Cheng Yeh, Kai-Chi Chang, Hua-Fu Wei: Using Incremental Mining to Generate Fuzzy Rules for Real-Time Network Intrusion Detection Systems. AINA Workshops 2008: 50-55
4EEWu-Hsiao Hsu, Sheng-Cheng Yeh, Li-Yuan Wu, Kuang-En Hsieh: A bandwidth-constrained anycast routing for mobile IP in a DiffServ backbone network. IWCMC 2006: 791-796
3EEYih-Shyh Chiou, Chin-Liang Wang, Sheng-Cheng Yeh: An Adaptive Location Estimator Based on Kalman Filtering for Dynamic Indoor Environments. VTC Fall 2006: 1-5
2 Sheng-Cheng Yeh, Jung-Shyr Wu: Integration of video, voice and data transmission service based on PRMA wireless networks. Computer Communications 24(10): 942-948 (2001)
1EESheng-Cheng Yeh, Jung-Shyr Wu, Y.-C. Liang: Dynamic accommodation of the permission probability over the joint voice/data frame reservation multiple access. Computer Communications 22(13): 1260-1265 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Kai-Chi Chang [5]
2Yih-Shyh Chiou [3]
3Kuang-En Hsieh [4]
4Wu-Hsiao Hsu [4]
5Y.-C. Liang [1]
6Ming-Yang Su [5]
7Chin-Liang Wang [3]
8Hua-Fu Wei [5]
9Jung-Shyr Wu [1] [2]
10Li-Yuan Wu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)