
Dejian Ye

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7EEChao Liu, Hao Chen, Dejian Ye: DCSVS: Distributed Collaborative Set-Top-Box Video Service. PDCAT 2008: 354-359
6EECheng Huang, Chenjie Zhu, Yi Li, Dejian Ye: Dedicated Disk I/O Strategies for IPTV Live Streaming Servers Supporting Timeshift Functions. CIT 2007: 333-338
5EEYing Chai, Dejian Ye: The Design and Implementation of a Scalable Wireless Video Streaming System Adopting TCP Transmission Mode. CIT 2007: 534-538
4EEChenjie Zhu, Dejian Ye: Clear P2P IPTV Live Streaming System for Set-Top Box Clients. CIT 2007: 539-544
3EEWenyan Hu, Dejian Ye: A Stochastic Differential Equation Model for Queues on Network Video Traffic. CIT 2007: 545-550
2EEChundong Wang, Dejian Ye: Template-Based Adaptive Video Coding Algorithm for High Resolution Laptop Video Conference Systems. CIT 2007: 581-586
1EEDejian Ye, J. C. Barker, Zixiang Xiong, Wenwu Zhu: Wavelet-based VBR video traffic smoothing. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 6(4): 611-623 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1J. C. Barker [1]
2Ying Chai [5]
3Hao Chen [7]
4Wenyan Hu [3]
5Cheng Huang [6]
6Yi Li [6]
7Chao Liu [7]
8Chundong Wang [2]
9Zixiang Xiong [1]
10Chenjie Zhu [4] [6]
11Wenwu Zhu [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)