
Mohammad Reza Yazdchi

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2EEReza Zafarani, Mohammad Reza Yazdchi, Seyed Ali Seyed Salehi: An ANFIS Based Method of Agent Behavior in Simulated Soccer Agents. ICTAI 2005: 11-18
1 Reza Zafarani, Mohammad Reza Yazdchi: A Neuro-Fuzzy Method of Agent Behavior and Action Selection Based on Priority/Probability Modelling. IICAI 2005: 2336-2348

Coauthor Index

1Seyed Ali Seyed Salehi [2]
2Reza Zafarani [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)