
Yong Yao

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16EEYong Yao: Termination of the Sequence of SDS Sets and Machine Decision for Positive Semi-definite Forms CoRR abs/0904.4030: (2009)
15EEEr-rui Ding, Ping Zeng, Yong Yao: A Novel Regressive Algorithm Based on Relevance Vector Machine. FSKD (1) 2007: 463-467
14EEWenjuan Pan, Yong Yao, Zhijing Liu: An Unsupervised Audio Segmentation and Classification Approach. FSKD (3) 2007: 303-306
13EEYan Zhao, Yong Yao, Zhijng Liu: An Efficient Distributed Algorithm for Mining Association Rules. FSKD (3) 2007: 41-44
12EEHui Zhao, Yong Yao, Zhijing Liu: A Classification Method Based on Non-linear SVM Decision Tree. FSKD (4) 2007: 635-638
11EENiki Trigoni, Yong Yao, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Rajmohan Rajaraman: Wave scheduling and routing in sensor networks. TOSN 3(1): 2 (2007)
10EEYong Yao, S. M. Nazrul Alam, Johannes Gehrke, Sergio D. Servetto: Network scheduling for data archiving applications in sensor networks. DMSN 2006: 19-25
9EENiki Trigoni, Yong Yao, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Rajmohan Rajaraman: Multi-query Optimization for Sensor Networks. DCOSS 2005: 307-321
8EENiki Trigoni, Yong Yao, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Rajmohan Rajaraman: WaveScheduling: energy-efficient data dissemination for sensor networks. DMSN 2004: 48-57
7 Niki Trigoni, Yong Yao, Alan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Rajmohan Rajaraman: Hybrid Push-Pull Query Processing for Sensor Networks. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2004: 370-374
6EEYong Yao, Johannes Gehrke: Query Processing in Sensor Networks. CIDR 2003
5EEAlan J. Demers, Johannes Gehrke, Rajmohan Rajaraman, Agathoniki Trigoni, Yong Yao: The Cougar Project: a work-in-progress report. SIGMOD Record 32(4): 53-59 (2003)
4EEYong Yao, Johannes Gehrke: The Cougar Approach to In-Network Query Processing in Sensor Networks. SIGMOD Record 31(3): 9-18 (2002)
3EEYong Yao, Walter J. Freeman, Brian C. Burke, Qing Yang: Pattern recognition by a distributed neural network: An industrial application. Neural Networks 4(1): 103-121 (1991)
2EEYong Yao, Walter J. Freeman: Model of biological pattern recognition with spatially chaotic dynamics. Neural Networks 3(2): 153-170 (1990)
1EEWalter J. Freeman, Yong Yao, Brian C. Burke: Central pattern generating and recognizing in olfactory bulb: A correlation learning rule. Neural Networks 1(4): 277-288 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1S. M. Nazrul Alam [10]
2Brian C. Burke [1] [3]
3Alan J. Demers [5] [7] [8] [9] [11]
4Er-rui Ding [15]
5Walter J. Freeman [1] [2] [3]
6Johannes Gehrke [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
7Zhijing Liu [12] [14]
8Zhijng Liu [13]
9Wenjuan Pan [14]
10Rajmohan Rajaraman [5] [7] [8] [9] [11]
11Sergio D. Servetto [10]
12Agathoniki Trigoni (Niki Trigoni) [5] [7] [8] [9] [11]
13Qing Yang [3]
14Ping Zeng [15]
15Hui Zhao [12]
16Yan Zhao [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)