
Edgar Toshiro Yano

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4 Ahmed Ali Abdalla Esmin, Joubert de Castro Lima, Edgar Toshiro Yano, Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro: ArchCollect - A Tool for WEB Usage Knowledge Acquisition from User's Interactions. ICEIS (2) 2008: 375-380
3EECarlos Eduardo de Barros Paes, Celso Massaki Hirata, Edgar Toshiro Yano: Extending RUP to develop fault tolerant software. SAC 2008: 783-790
2EEBenedito Sakugawa, Edson Cury, Edgar Toshiro Yano: Airborne Software Concerns in Civil Aviation Certification. LADC 2005: 52-60
1 Joubert de Castro Lima, Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro, Rodrigo Martins Pagliares, Júlio César Ferreira, João Bosco M. Sobral, Edgar Toshiro Yano: Archcollect: A Set of Components Towards Web Users' Interactions. ICEIS (4) 2003: 308-316

Coauthor Index

1Tiago Garcia de Senna Carneiro [1] [4]
2Edson Cury [2]
3Ahmed Ali Abdalla Esmin [4]
4Júlio César Ferreira [1]
5Celso Massaki Hirata [3]
6Joubert de Castro Lima [1] [4]
7Carlos Eduardo de Barros Paes [3]
8Rodrigo Martins Pagliares [1]
9Benedito Sakugawa [2]
10João Bosco M. Sobral [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)