
Xinyu Yang

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12EETieshan Li, Hanyu Zhang, Xinyu Yang: DSC Approach to Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems. FSKD (5) 2008: 70-74
11 Shusen Yang, Xinyu Yang, Peng Zhao: Data packet header overhead reduction for DSR in mobile ad hoc networks. ICWN 2008: 540-544
10EEShusen Yang, Xinyu Yang, Huijie Yang: A location service protocol for heterogeneous mobile ad hoc networks with sparse powerful nodes. Mobility Conference 2008: 34
9EEXinyu Yang, Yi Shi, Huijun Zhu: Detection and location algorithm against local-worm. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(12): 1935-1946 (2008)
8EEXinyu Yang, Ting Ma: A Link Signature Based DDoS Attacker Tracing Algorithm under IPv6. FGCN (1) 2007: 50-55
7EEYi Wang, Hairong Chen, Xinyu Yang, Deyun Zhang: Cluster Based Location-Aware Routing Protocol for Large Scale Heterogeneous MANET. IMSCCS 2007: 366-373
6EEYi Shi, Xinyu Yang, Huijun Zhu: A Flooding-Based DoS/DDoS Detecting Algorithm Based on Traffic Measurement and Prediction. IWSEC 2006: 252-267
5EEYi Shi, Xinyu Yang: A Novel Architecture for Detecting and Defending Against Flooding-Based DDoS Attacks. CIS (2) 2005: 364-374
4EEXinyu Yang, Yi Shi, Ming Zeng, Zhao Rui: A Novel Method of Network Burst Traffic Real-Time Prediction Based on Decomposition. ICN (1) 2005: 784-793
3EEXinyu Yang, Yong Liu, Ming Zeng, Yi Shi: A Novel DDoS Attack Detecting Algorithm Based on the Continuous Wavelet Transform. AWCC 2004: 173-181
2EEXinyu Yang, Ming Zeng, Zhao Rui, Yi Shi: A Novel LMS Method for Real-Time Network Traffic Prediction. ICCSA (4) 2004: 127-136
1EEXinyu Yang, Wenjing Yang, Ming Zeng, Yi Shi: A Novel Network Traffic Analysis Method Based on Fuzzy Association Rules. MDAI 2004: 81-91

Coauthor Index

1Hairong Chen [7]
2Tieshan Li [12]
3Yong Liu [3]
4Ting Ma [8]
5Zhao Rui [2] [4]
6Yi Shi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [9]
7Yi Wang [7]
8Huijie Yang [10]
9Shusen Yang [10] [11]
10Wenjing Yang [1]
11Ming Zeng [1] [2] [3] [4]
12Deyun Zhang [7]
13Hanyu Zhang [12]
14Peng Zhao [11]
15Huijun Zhu [6] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)