
Xiaohui Yang

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6EERuishan Zhang, Xinyuan Wang, Ryan Farley, Xiaohui Yang, Xuxian Jiang: On the feasibility of launching the man-in-the-middle attacks on VoIP from remote attackers. ASIACCS 2009: 61-69
5EERuishan Zhang, Xinyuan Wang, Xiaohui Yang, Ryan Farley, Xuxian Jiang: An Empirical Investigation into the Security of Phone Features in SIP-Based VoIP Systems. ISPEC 2009: 59-70
4EEKebin Liu, Mo Li, Xiaohui Yang, Mingxing Jiang: Passive diagnosis for wireless sensor networks. SenSys 2008: 371-372
3EEXuelin Feng, Lihua Li, Xiaofeng Tao, Xiaohui Yang: Novel BD MU-MIMO Pre-Coding Methods to Suppress Noise and Balance Receive Antennas. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
2 Rui Jiang, Aiqun Hu, Xiaohui Yang: Advanced robust e-mail protocols with perfect forward secrecy. SEDE 2007: 176-181
1 Rui Jiang, Aiqun Hu, Xiaohui Yang: Advanced remote password authentication and key agreement using smart card. CAINE 2006: 364-370

Coauthor Index

1Ryan Farley [5] [6]
2Xuelin Feng [3]
3Aiqun Hu [1] [2]
4Mingxing Jiang [4]
5Rui Jiang [1] [2]
6Xuxian Jiang [5] [6]
7Lihua Li [3]
8Mo Li [4]
9Kebin Liu [4]
10Xiaofeng Tao [3]
11Xinyuan Wang [5] [6]
12Ruishan Zhang [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)