
Soomi Yang

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5EESoomi Yang: Adding Node Absence Dynamics to Data Replication Strategies for Unreliable Wireless Grid Environments. GridNets 2008: 155-160
4EESoomi Yang: On the Security of Attribute Certificate Structuring for Highly Distributed Computing Environments. APNOMS 2006: 530-533
3EESoomi Yang: An Efficient Role Specification Management Model for Highly Distributed Environments. JNW 1(3): 18-22 (2006)
2EESoomi Yang: An Efficient Access Control Model for Highly Distributed Computing Environment. IWDC 2005: 392-397
1EESoomi Yang: An Efficient Access Control Model Utilized the Attribute Certificate Structuring. MMM-ACNS 2005: 466-471

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)