
Jae-Heon Yang

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10EEChanghan Kim, Younghoon Kim, Jae-Heon Yang, Ikjun Yeom: Analysis of bandwidth efficiency in overlay multicasting. Computer Networks 52(2): 384-398 (2008)
9EEChanghan Kim, Jae-Heon Yang, Ikjun Yeom: Cost Analysis of BestRelay Retransmission Trees for Reliable Multicasting. IEICE Transactions 90-B(3): 527-537 (2007)
8EEJi-Woong Chang, Kyu-Young Whang, Young-Koo Lee, Jae-Heon Yang, Yong-Chul Oh: A formal approach to lock escalation. Inf. Syst. 30(2): 151-166 (2005)
7 Hyeokman Kim, Jinho Lee, Jae-Heon Yang, Sanghoon Sull, Woonkyung Michael Kim, Samuel Moon-Ho Song: Visual Rhythm and Shot Verification. Multimedia Tools Appl. 15(3): 227-245 (2001)
6EEUn-Jae Sung, Jae-Heon Yang, KwangYun Wohn: Concurrency Control in CIAO. VR 1999: 22-28
5 James H. Anderson, Jae-Heon Yang: Time/Contention Trade-Offs for Multiprocessor Synchronization. Inf. Comput. 124(1): 68-84 (1996)
4 Jae-Heon Yang, James H. Anderson: A Fast, Scalable Mutual Exclusion Algorithm. Distributed Computing 9(1): 51-60 (1995)
3EEJae-Heon Yang, James H. Anderson: Time bounds for mutual exclusion and related problems. STOC 1994: 224-233
2 Jae-Heon Yang, James H. Anderson: Fast, Scalable Synchronization with Minimal Hardware Support (Extended Abstract). PODC 1993: 171-182
1 James H. Anderson, Jae-Heon Yang, Mohamed G. Gouda: The Granularity of Waiting (Extended Abstract). WDAG 1992: 313-328

Coauthor Index

1James H. Anderson [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
2Ji-Woong Chang [8]
3Mohamed G. Gouda [1]
4Changhan Kim [9] [10]
5Hyeokman Kim [7]
6Woonkyung Michael Kim [7]
7Younghoon Kim [10]
8Jinho Lee [7]
9Young-Koo Lee [8]
10Yong-Chul Oh [8]
11Samuel Moon-Ho Song [7]
12Sanghoon Sull [7]
13Un-Jae Sung [6]
14Kyu-Young Whang [8]
15KwangYun Wohn [6]
16Ikjun Yeom [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)