
Hyunho Yang

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5EERomeo Mark A. Mateo, Jaewan Lee, Hyunho Yang: Optimization of Location Management in the Distributed Location-Based Services Using Collaborative Agents. ICCSA (3) 2006: 178-187
4EELouie F. Cervantes, Young-Seok Lee, Hyunho Yang, Sung-Hyun Ko, Jaewan Lee: Agent-Based Intelligent Decision Support for the Home Healthcare Environment. ICHIT 2006: 414-424
3EEHyunho Yang: A Distributed Scheduling Scheme Providing QoS in Multimedia Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. MMNS 2005: 179-189
2EEHyunho Yang, Kiseon Kim: Delay Guaranteed Fair Queueing(DGFQ) in Multimedia Packet Networks. MMNS 2003: 170-182
1EEHyunho Yang, Kiseon Kim: A QoS Providing Multimedia Ad Hoc Wireless LAN with Granular OFDM-CDMA Channel. QoS-IP 2003: 567-580

Coauthor Index

1Louie F. Cervantes [4]
2Kiseon Kim [1] [2]
3Sung-Hyun Ko [4]
4Jaewan Lee [4] [5]
5Young-Seok Lee [4]
6Romeo Mark A. Mateo [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)