
Hoonmo Yang

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3EEHoonmo Yang: Floating-point reconfiguration array processor for 3D graphics physics engine. ASP-DAC 2008: 283
2EEHoonmo Yang, Moonkey Lee: Embedded Processor Validation Environment Using a Cycle-Accurate Retargetable Instruction-Set Simulator. The Journal of Supercomputing 33(1-2): 19-32 (2005)
1EEHoonmo Yang, Moonkey Lee: Design of a Cycle-Accurate User-Retargetable Instruction-Set Simulator Using Process-Based Scheduling Scheme. CIS 2004: 266-273

Coauthor Index

1Moonkey Lee [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)