
Chao-Chih Yang

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14 Ricardo A. Munoz, Chao-Chih Yang: Using Normal Deduction Graphs in Default Reasoning. ISMIS 1991: 203-212
13 Wen-Bing Horng, Chao-Chih Yang: A Shortest Path Algorithm to Find Minimal Deduction Graphs. Data Knowl. Eng. 6: 27-46 (1991)
12EEHan-Lin Li, Chao-Chih Yang: Integrating integer programming and probabilistic deduction graphs for probabilistic reasoning. Journal of Systems Integration 1(2): 195-214 (1991)
11 Chao-Chih Yang, Weicong Shen: Parallel Algorithms for Solving the Satisfaction Problem of Functional and Multivalued Data Dependencies. Data Knowl. Eng. 3(4): 323-338 (1989)
10EEChao-Chih Yang: Deduction Graphs: An Algorithm and Applications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(1): 60-67 (1989)
9EEChao-Chih Yang, Jennifer Jau-Yin Chen, H. Lewis Chau: Algorithms for Constructing Minimal Deduction Graphs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(6): 760-770 (1989)
8EEChao-Chih Yang, Guang Li, Peter A. Ng: An Improved Algorithm Based on Subset Closures for Synthesizing a Relational Database Scheme. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(11): 1731-1738 (1988)
7 Kevin D. Reilly, Akram Salah, Chao-Chih Yang: A Logic Programming Perspective on Decision Table Theory and Practice. Data Knowl. Eng. 2: 191-212 (1987)
6 Chao-Chih Yang: On Interpreting and Inferring Propositional Formulas of Data Dependencies in a Relational Database. Data Knowl. Eng. 2: 323-338 (1987)
5 Chao-Chih Yang, Charmane P. May: A Correction and Some Comments Concerning Graph Isomorphism by Finite Automata. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(1): 95-96 (1978)
4 Chao-Chih Yang, Marilyn A. Tarpy: An Algorithm for Deriving All Pairs of Compatible States by Closure Classes. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(2): 202-207 (1976)
3 Chao-Chih Yang, Marek K. Babinski: Comments on ``Closure Partition Method for Minimizing Incomplete Sequential Machines''. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(1): 106-108 (1975)
2 Chao-Chih Yang: On the Equivalence of Two Algorithms for Finding All Maximal Compatibles. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(10): 977-979 (1975)
1 Chao-Chih Yang: Structural Preserving Morphisms of Finite Automata and an Application to Graph Isomorphism. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(11): 1133-1139 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1Marek K. Babinski [3]
2H. Lewis Chau [9]
3Jennifer Jau-Yin Chen [9]
4Wen-Bing Horng [13]
5Guang Li [8]
6Han-Lin Li [12]
7Charmane P. May [5]
8Ricardo A. Munoz [14]
9Peter A. Ng [8]
10Kevin D. Reilly [7]
11Akram Salah [7]
12Weicong Shen [11]
13Marilyn A. Tarpy [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)