
Torao Yanaru

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15 Masahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru: Solving SAT by Lagrange Programming Neural Network with Long and Short Term Memories. EJC 1999: 289-301
14 Ingrid Anderson, Kazunori Miyamoto, Torao Yanaru: Event Sequence Data Mining in Temporal Databases. ICONIP 1998: 1659-1661
13 Kazunori Miyamoto, Youichi Tsubusaki, Torao Yanaru, Masahiro Nagamatsu: Symbolized Particles Store Type Neuron Model and Its Application to Voiced Signals. ICONIP 1998: 471-473
12 Naruki Shirahama, Masahiro Nagamatsu, Torao Yanaru: An Emotion Processing System Based on Subjective Observation. ICONIP 1998: 474-477
11 Masahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru: Parallel State Space Search for SAT with Lagrange Programming Neural Network. ICONIP 1998: 767-770
10 Kaori Yoshida, Toshikazu Kato, Torao Yanaru: A Model for Emotional Aspects on Visual Art Works. ICONIP 1998: 923-926
9 Shakeel Ismail, Masahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru: Largrange Programming Neural Network for Wire Routing Problem. ICONIP 1998: 999-1003
8EEMasahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru: Test generation by Lagrange programming neural network. KES (1) 1998: 341-347
7EEMasahiro Nagamatu, Shakeel Ismail, Torao Yanaru: A continuous valued iterative algorithm for wire routing problems. KES (1) 1998: 348-357
6 Torao Yanaru, Naruki Shirahama, Kaori Yoshida, Masahiro Nagamatsu: An Emotion Processing System Based on Fuzzy Interference and Subjective Observations. Inf. Sci. 101(3-4): 217-247 (1997)
5EEYukio Ishibashi, Masahiro Nagamatsu, Torao Yanaru: Accelerating concurrent fault simulation by parallel pattern emptiness checking of fault lists. Systems and Computers in Japan 28(12): 53-64 (1997)
4EEMasahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru: On the stability of Lagrange programming neural networks for satisfiability problems of propositional calculus. Neurocomputing 13(2-4): 119-133 (1996)
3EEMasahiro Nagamatu, Shakeel Ismail, Torao Yanaru: Lagrangian method for wire routing of layout design. ANNES 1995: 350-354
2EEKaori Yoshida, Torao Yanaru: A proposal of emotional memory model. ANNES 1995: 67-70
1EEMasahiro Nagamatu, Torao Yanaru: Lagrangian Method for Satisfiability Problems of Propositional Calculus. ANNES 1995: 71-74

Coauthor Index

1Ingrid Anderson [14]
2Yukio Ishibashi [5]
3Shakeel Ismail [3] [7] [9]
4Toshikazu Kato [10]
5Kazunori Miyamoto [13] [14]
6Masahiro Nagamatsu [5] [6] [12] [13]
7Masahiro Nagamatu [1] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [11] [15]
8Naruki Shirahama [6] [12]
9Youichi Tsubusaki [13]
10Kaori Yoshida [2] [6] [10]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)