
Kyoko Yamori

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5EETakehiro Kajita, Kyoko Yamori, Yoshiaki Tanaka: Pricing for Maximizing Provider's Revenue in Multicast Content Delivery Services. II3E 2008: 173-183
4EENaoyuki Karasawa, Kyoko Yamori, Kenji Donkai, Yoshiaki Tanaka: Analysis and Modelling of Willingness to Receive Reward for Relay in Ad Hoc Networks. I3E (2) 2007: 160-167
3EEKyoko Yamori, Yoshiaki Tanaka: Users' Benefit and Provider's Revenue of Content Delivery Services with Priority Control. I3E 2006: 240-251
2EEKyoko Yamori, Yoshiaki Tanaka, Haruo Akimaru: Price Optimization of Contents Delivery Systems with Priority. ICN (1) 2001: 65-74
1 Haruo Akimaru, Marion R. Finley Jr., Kyoko Yamori, Julian Lebensold: Tele-Learning in Graduate Education in Japan - Some Initial Results. WebNet 1998

Coauthor Index

1Haruo Akimaru [1] [2]
2Kenji Donkai [4]
3Marion R. Finley Jr. [1]
4Takehiro Kajita [5]
5Naoyuki Karasawa [4]
6Julian Lebensold [1]
7Yoshiaki Tanaka [2] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)