
Keiji Yamanaka

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8EEShigueo Nomura, Keiji Yamanaka, Takayuki Shiose, Hiroshi Kawakami, Osamu Katai: Morphological preprocessing method to thresholding degraded word images. Pattern Recognition Letters 30(8): 729-744 (2009)
7EEEustáquio São José de Faria, Keiji Yamanaka, Josimeire do Amaral Tavares, Geraldo Henrique Lacerda Pinto, Lowghan Henrique Sudário de Melo: AIDDES - Distributed Intelligent Pair-Software Development Environment. COMPSAC 2008: 494-495
6EEEustáquio São José de Faria, Keiji Yamanaka, Josimeire do Amaral Tavares, Geraldo Henrique Lacerda Pinto, Lowghan Henrique Sudário de Melo: Intelligent Software Agents Mediating the Pair Participation in a Distributed Intelligent Pair-Software Development Environment. COMPSAC 2008: 517-520
5 Celso Camilo, Keiji Yamanaka: A Practical Method for Finding an Efficient Static Learning Rate for ANN. IC-AI 2008: 58-60
4 Wnêiton L. Gomes, Celso Camilo, Leonardo Araújo Lima, Alexandre Cardoso, Edgard Lamounier Jr., Keiji Yamanaka: Artificial Neural Networks to Recognize ARToolKit Markers. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2007: 464-469
3 Luís Fernando Pompeo Ferrara, Keiji Yamanaka, João Inácio da Silva Filho: A System of Recognition of Characters based on Paraconsistent Artificial Neural Networks. LAPTEC 2005: 127-134
2EEShigueo Nomura, Keiji Yamanaka, Osamu Katai, Hiroshi Kawakami, Takayuki Shiose: Improved MLP Learning via Orthogonal Bipolar Target Vectors. JACIII 9(6): 580-589 (2005)
1EEShigueo Nomura, Keiji Yamanaka, Osamu Katai, Hiroshi Kawakami, Takayuki Shiose: A novel adaptive morphological approach for degraded character image segmentation. Pattern Recognition 38(11): 1961-1975 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Celso Camilo [4] [5]
2Alexandre Cardoso [4]
3Eustáquio São José de Faria [6] [7]
4Luís Fernando Pompeo Ferrara [3]
5João Inácio da Silva Filho [3]
6Wnêiton L. Gomes [4]
7Osamu Katai [1] [2] [8]
8Hiroshi Kawakami [1] [2] [8]
9Edgard Lamounier Jr. [4]
10Leonardo Araújo Lima [4]
11Lowghan Henrique Sudário de Melo [6] [7]
12Shigueo Nomura [1] [2] [8]
13Geraldo Henrique Lacerda Pinto [6] [7]
14Takayuki Shiose [1] [2] [8]
15Josimeire do Amaral Tavares [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)