
Satomi Yamamoto

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2EEAtsushi Manabe, Kohki Ishikawa, Yoshihiko Itoh, Setsuya Kawabata, Tetsuro Mashimo, Youhei Morita, Hiroshi Sakamoto, Takashi Sasaki, Hiroyuki Sato, Junichi Tanaka, Ikuo Ueda, Yoshiyuki Watase, Satomi Yamamoto, Shigeo Yashiro: A data Grid testbed environment in Gigabit WAN with HPSS CoRR cs.DC/0306051: (2003)
1EEKentaro Inui, Satomi Yamamoto: Corpus-Based Acquisition of Sentence Readability Ranking Models for Deaf People. NLPRS 2001: 159-166

Coauthor Index

1Kentaro Inui [1]
2Kohki Ishikawa [2]
3Yoshihiko Itoh [2]
4Setsuya Kawabata [2]
5Atsushi Manabe [2]
6Tetsuro Mashimo [2]
7Youhei Morita [2]
8Hiroshi Sakamoto [2]
9Takashi Sasaki [2]
10Hiroyuki Sato [2]
11Junichi Tanaka [2]
12Ikuo Ueda [2]
13Yoshiyuki Watase [2]
14Shigeo Yashiro [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)