
Masaki Yamamoto

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8EEMasaki Yamamoto: A Spectral Method for MAX2SAT in the Planted Solution Model. ISAAC 2007: 112-123
7EEKazuhisa Makino, Suguru Tamaki, Masaki Yamamoto: On the Boolean Connectivity Problem for Horn Relations. SAT 2007: 187-200
6EEKazuhisa Makino, Suguru Tamaki, Masaki Yamamoto: A Dichotomy Theorem within Schaefer for the Boolean Connectivity Problem. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 14(029): (2007)
5EETobias Riege, Jörg Rothe, Holger Spakowski, Masaki Yamamoto: An improved exact algorithm for the domatic number problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 101(3): 101-106 (2007)
4EEOsamu Watanabe, Masaki Yamamoto: Average-Case Analysis for the MAX-2SAT Problem. SAT 2006: 277-282
3EETobias Riege, Jörg Rothe, Holger Spakowski, Masaki Yamamoto: An Improved Exact Algorithm for the Domatic Number Problem CoRR abs/cs/0603060: (2006)
2EEMasaki Yamamoto: Generating Instances for MAX2SAT with Optimal Solutions. Theory Comput. Syst. 39(5): 723-742 (2006)
1EEMasaki Yamamoto: An Improved O(1.234m)-Time Deterministic Algorithm for SAT. ISAAC 2005: 644-653

Coauthor Index

1Kazuhisa Makino [6] [7]
2Tobias Riege [3] [5]
3Jörg Rothe [3] [5]
4Holger Spakowski [3] [5]
5Suguru Tamaki [6] [7]
6Osamu Watanabe [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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