
Tomomi Yamaguchi

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3 Masami Takata, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Chiemi Watanabe, Yoshimasa Nakamura, Kazuki Joe: A Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Program Partitioning and Data Distribution Using TVRG. PDPTA 2004: 345-350
2 Hisako Ishiuchi, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Hayaru Shouno, Kazuki Joe: The Design and Implementation of Unimodular Transformations for the Parallelizing Compiler PROMIS. PDPTA 2002: 1438-1443
1 Asami Iwasaka, Tomomi Yamaguchi, Hayaru Shouno, Mariko Sasakura, Kazuki Joe: Classification of Visualized Data Dependence. PDPTA 2002: 1444-1450

Coauthor Index

1Hisako Ishiuchi [2]
2Asami Iwasaka [1]
3Kazuki Joe [1] [2] [3]
4Yoshimasa Nakamura [3]
5Mariko Sasakura [1]
6Hayaru Shouno [1] [2]
7Masami Takata [3]
8Chiemi Watanabe [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)