
Yoriyuki Yamagata

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4EEStefano Berardi, Yoriyuki Yamagata: A sequent calculus for limit computable mathematics. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 153(1-3): 111-126 (2008)
3EEYoriyuki Yamagata: Strong normalization of the second-order symmetric lambda mu -calculus. Inf. Comput. 193(1): 1-20 (2004)
2EEYoriyuki Yamagata: Strong normalization of a symmetric lambda calculus for second-order classical logic. Arch. Math. Log. 41(1): 91-99 (2002)
1EEYoriyuki Yamagata: Strong Normalization of Second Order Symmetric Lambda-mu Calculus. TACS 2001: 459-467

Coauthor Index

1Stefano Berardi [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)