
Yoshiaki Yamada

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3EEYoshiaki Yamada, Satoru Ohta, Hitoshi Uematsu: Hardware-Based Precise Time Synchronization on Gb/s Ethernet Enhanced with Preemptive Priority. IEICE Transactions 89-B(3): 683-689 (2006)
2 Tohru Matsunaga, Keishi Habara, Akira Misawa, Yoshiaki Yamada, Toru Okugawa, Masato Tsukada, Shigeki Hino, Koji Sasayama, Ken-ichi Yukimatsu: Design of Photonic ATM Switch and a Rack-Mounted Prototype. ICC (3) 1997: 1292-1297
1EEHajime Ohata, Nobuyoshi Enomoto, Akio Okazaki, Hiroaki Kawasumi, Shigeo Sudo, Yoshiaki Yamada: A Human Detector Based on Flexible Pattern Matching of Silhouette Projection. MVA 1994: 536-539

Coauthor Index

1Nobuyoshi Enomoto [1]
2Keishi Habara [2]
3Shigeki Hino [2]
4Hiroaki Kawasumi [1]
5Tohru Matsunaga [2]
6Akira Misawa [2]
7Hajime Ohata [1]
8Satoru Ohta [3]
9Akio Okazaki [1]
10Toru Okugawa [2]
11Koji Sasayama [2]
12Shigeo Sudo [1]
13Masato Tsukada [2]
14Hitoshi Uematsu [3]
15Ken-ichi Yukimatsu [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)