
Essa Yacoub

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2 Shing-Chung Ngan, Essa Yacoub, William F. Auffermann, Xiaoping Hu: Node merging in Kohonen's self-organizing mapping of fMRI data. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 25(1): 19-33 (2002)
1 Nikolaos V. Tsekos, John Shudy, Essa Yacoub, Panagiotis V. Tsekos, Ioannis G. Koutlas: Development of a Robotic Device for MRI-Guided Interventions in the Breast. BIBE 2001: 201-208

Coauthor Index

1William F. Auffermann [2]
2Xiaoping Hu [2]
3Ioannis G. Koutlas [1]
4Shing-Chung Ngan [2]
5John Shudy [1]
6Nikolaos V. Tsekos [1]
7Panagiotis V. Tsekos [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)