
George Xylomenos

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14EEGeorge C. Polyzos, George Xylomenos: Multicast Protocols and Algorithms. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
13EEGeorge Xylomenos, Michael Makidis: Link Layer Adaptation for Shared Wireless Links. MONET 13(3-4): 259-273 (2008)
12EEGeorge Xylomenos, Vasilis Vogkas, George Thanos: The multimedia broadcast/multicast service. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 8(2): 255-265 (2008)
11EEGeorge Xylomenos, Michael Makidis: Adaptive link layer protocols for shared wireless links. MobiMedia 2007: 35
10EEGeorge Xylomenos, Christos Tsilopoulos: Adaptive Timeout Policies for Wireless Links. AINA (1) 2006: 497-502
9EEGeorge Xylomenos: Limitations of Fixed Timers for Wireless Links. ISPA 2006: 159-170
8EEGeorge Xylomenos, George C. Polyzos: Wireless Link Layer Enhancements for TCP and UDP Application. IPDPS 2003: 225
7EEGeorge Xylomenos, George C. Polyzos: Multi-service link layer enhancements for the wireless Internet. ISCC 2003: 1147-1152
6EEGeorge Xylomenos, George C. Polyzos: Quality of Service Issues in Multi-service Wireless Internet Links. QoS-IP 2001: 347-364
5EEGeorge Xylomenos, George C. Polyzos: Quality of service support over multi-service wireless Internet links. Computer Networks 37(5): 601-615 (2001)
4 George Xylomenos, George C. Polyzos: TCP and UDP Performance over a Wireless LAN. INFOCOM 1999: 439-446
3EEGeorge Xylomenos, George C. Polyzos: IP multicast group management for point-to-point local distribution. Computer Communications 21(18): 1645-1654 (1998)
2 Joseph Pasquale, George C. Polyzos, George Xylomenos: The Multimedia Multicasting Problem. Multimedia Syst. 6(1): 43-59 (1998)
1 George Xylomenos, George C. Polyzos: IP Multicasting for Point-to-Point Local Distribution. INFOCOM 1997: 1380-1387

Coauthor Index

1Michael Makidis [11] [13]
2Joseph Pasquale [2]
3George C. Polyzos [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [14]
4George Thanos [12]
5Christos Tsilopoulos [10]
6Vasilis Vogkas [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)