
Xu Xiaodong

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3EEXu Xiaodong, Tao Xiaofeng, Zhang Hui, Hao Zhijie, Zhang Ping: Generalized Distributed Multi-antenna Architecture Based Location Technology for Beyond 3G Systems. ICONS 2008: 168-173
2EEXu Xiaodong, Xie Zheng, Geoffrey Exoo, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski: Constructive Lower Bounds on Classical Multicolor Ramsey Numbers. Electr. J. Comb. 11(1): (2004)
1EEXu Xiaodong, Xie Zheng, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski: A constructive approach for the lower bounds on the Ramsey numbers R (s, t). Journal of Graph Theory 47(3): 231-239 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Geoffrey Exoo [2]
2Zhang Hui [3]
3Zhang Ping [3]
4Stanislaw P. Radziszowski [1] [2]
5Tao Xiaofeng [3]
6Xie Zheng [1] [2]
7Hao Zhijie [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)