
Zuoshuang Xiang

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3EEZuoshuang Xiang, Thomas Todd, Kim P. Ku, Bethany L. Kovacic, Charles B. Larson, Fang Chen, Andrew P. Hodges, Yuying Tian, Elizabeth A. Olenzek, Boyang Zhao, Lesley A. Colby, Howard G. Rush, Janet R. Gilsdorf, George W. Jourdian, Yongqun He: VIOLIN: vaccine investigation and online information network. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 923-928 (2008)
2EEZuoshuang Xiang, Zhaohui S. Qin, Yongqun He: CRCView: a web server for analyzing and visualizing microarray gene expression data using model-based clustering. Bioinformatics 23(14): 1843-1845 (2007)
1EEZuoshuang Xiang, Rebecca M. Minter, Xiaoming Bi, Peter J. Woolf, Yongqun He: miniTUBA: medical inference by network integration of temporal data using Bayesian analysis. Bioinformatics 23(18): 2423-2432 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Xiaoming Bi [1]
2Fang Chen [3]
3Lesley A. Colby [3]
4Janet R. Gilsdorf [3]
5Yongqun He [1] [2] [3]
6Andrew P. Hodges [3]
7George W. Jourdian [3]
8Bethany L. Kovacic [3]
9Kim P. Ku [3]
10Charles B. Larson [3]
11Rebecca M. Minter [1]
12Elizabeth A. Olenzek [3]
13Zhaohui S. Qin [2]
14Howard G. Rush [3]
15Yuying Tian [3]
16Thomas Todd [3]
17Peter J. Woolf [1]
18Boyang Zhao [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)