
Franck Xia

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15EEFranck Xia, Praveen Srikanth: A Change Impact Dependency Measure for Predicting the Maintainability of Source Code. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 22-23
14EEFranck Xia: A Generic OO Architecture Language for Semantics Analysis of OO Specification. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 8-9
13EEFranck Xia: BIUP{3}: Boundary Topological Invariant of 3D Objects Through Front Propagation at a Constant Speed. GMP 2004: 369-372
12EEFranck Xia: Normal vector and winding number in 2D digital images with their application for hole detection. Pattern Recognition 36(6): 1383-1395 (2003)
11EEFranck Xia: Normal vector and winding number in 2D digital images with application for hole detection. Pattern Recognition 34(11): 2253-2258 (2001)
10EEFranck Xia: On the concept of coupling, its modeling and measurement. Journal of Systems and Software 50(1): 75-84 (2000)
9EEFranck Xia: Look before you leap: on some fundamental issues in software engineering research. Information & Software Technology 41(10): 661-672 (1999)
8EEFranck Xia: On The Danger Of Developing Measures Without Clarifying Concepts. APSEC 1998: 86-
7EEFranck Xia: Software Engineering Research: A Methodological Analysis. APSEC 1997: 229-
6EEFranck Xia: Module Coupling: A Design Metric. APSEC 1996: 44-
5EEFranck Xia: An Information Coding Based Data Complexity Model. IEEE METRICS 1996: 20-
4 Franck Xia: Parallel Thinning Algorithm Based on the Wave Propagation's Model. CAIP 1995: 932-937
3 Franck Xia: On a New Basic Concept and Topological Invariant. ICIAP 1995: 341-346
2EEFranck Xia: Invariant property of contour: VPIUD with arbitrary neighborhood. ICIP 1995: 2651-
1 Franck Xia: Knowledge-Based Sub-Pattern Segmentation: Decomposition of Chinese Characters. ICIP (1) 1994: 179-182

Coauthor Index

1Praveen Srikanth [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)