
Wenyuan Wu

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6EEFeifei Gao, Wenyuan Wu, Yonghong Zeng, Arumugam Nallanathan: A Novel Blind Channel Estimation for CP-Based MIMO OFDM Systems. ICC 2007: 2586-2591
5EEWenyuan Wu, Greg Reid: Symbolic-numeric computation of implicit riquier bases for PDE. ISSAC 2007: 377-386
4EEMarc Moreno Maza, Gregory J. Reid, Robin Scott, Wenyuan Wu: On approximate triangular decompositions in dimension zero. J. Symb. Comput. 42(7): 693-716 (2007)
3EEWenyuan Wu, Greg Reid: Application of numerical algebraic geometry and numerical linear algebra to PDE. ISSAC 2006: 345-352
2EEXavier Dahan, Marc Moreno Maza, Éric Schost, Wenyuan Wu, Yuzhen Xie: Lifting techniques for triangular decompositions. ISSAC 2005: 108-115
1EEGreg Reid, Jan Verschelde, Allan D. Wittkopf, Wenyuan Wu: Symbolic-numeric completion of differential systems by homotopy continuation. ISSAC 2005: 269-276

Coauthor Index

1Xavier Dahan [2]
2Feifei Gao [6]
3Marc Moreno Maza [2] [4]
4Arumugam Nallanathan [6]
5Gregory J. Reid (Greg Reid) [1] [3] [4] [5]
6Éric Schost [2]
7Robin Scott [4]
8Jan Verschelde [1]
9Allan D. Wittkopf [1]
10Yuzhen Xie [2]
11Yonghong Zeng [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)