
Weigang Wu

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16EEXiaopeng Fan, Jiannong Cao, Weigang Wu, Michel Raynal: On Modeling Fault Tolerance of Gossip-Based Reliable Multicast Protocols. ICPP 2008: 149-156
15EEJin Yang, Jiannong Cao, Weigang Wu: Efficient global checkpointing algorithms for mobile agents. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(7): 825-838 (2008)
14EEWeigang Wu, Jiannong Cao, Jin Yang, Michel Raynal: Using asynchrony and zero degradation to speed up indulgent consensus protocols. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(7): 984-996 (2008)
13EEWeigang Wu, Jiannong Cao, Jin Yang: A fault tolerant mutual exclusion algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 4(1): 139-160 (2008)
12EEJiannong Cao, Miaomiao Wang, Weigang Wu, Xianbing Wang, Stephen C. F. Chan: A Generic Distributed Monitor Construct for Programming Process Synchronization in Distributed Systems. ISPA 2007: 695-706
11EEWeigang Wu, Jiannong Cao, Michel Raynal: A Dual-Token-Based Fault Tolerant Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for MANETs. MSN 2007: 572-583
10EEJiannong Cao, Michel Raynal, Corentin Travers, Weigang Wu: The Eventual Leadership in Dynamic Mobile Networking Environments. PRDC 2007: 123-130
9EEWeigang Wu, Jiannong Cao, Michel Raynal: The Eventual Clusterer Oracle and Its Application to Consensus in MANETs. SRDS 2007: 23-32
8EEWeigang Wu, Jiannong Cao, Jin Yang, Michel Raynal: Design and Performance Evaluation of Efficient Consensus Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 56(8): 1055-1070 (2007)
7EEJin Yang, Jiannong Cao, Weigang Wu: Checkpoint Placement Algorithms for Mobile Agent System. GCC 2006: 339-346
6EEJiannong Cao, Michel Raynal, Xianbing Wang, Weigang Wu: The Power and Limit of Adding Synchronization Messages for Synchronous Agreement. ICPP 2006: 399-406
5EEJin Yang, Jiannong Cao, Weigang Wu, Corentin Travers: The notification based approach to implementing failure detectors in distributed systems. Infoscale 2006: 14
4EEWeigang Wu, Jiannong Cao, Jin Yang, Michel Raynal: A Hierarchical Consensus Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PDP 2006: 64-72
3EEJin Yang, Jiannong Cao, Weigang Wu: CIC: An Integrated Approach to Checkpointing in Mobile Agent Systems. SKG 2006: 4
2EEJin Yang, Jiannong Cao, Weigang Wu, Cheng-Zhong Xu: A Framework for Transactional Mobile Agent Execution. GCC 2005: 1002-1008
1EEJin Yang, Jiannong Cao, Weigang Wu, Cheng-Zhong Xu: Parallel Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Mobile Agent Execution. ICA3PP 2005: 246-256

Coauthor Index

1Jiannong Cao [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
2Stephen C. F. Chan [12]
3Xiaopeng Fan [16]
4Michel Raynal [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [16]
5Corentin Travers [5] [10]
6Miaomiao Wang [12]
7Xianbing Wang [6] [12]
8Cheng-Zhong Xu [1] [2]
9Jin Yang [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [13] [14] [15]

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