
Shibo Wu

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4EEShibo Wu, K. Selçuk Candan: Power-aware single- and multipath geographic routing in sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks 5(7): 974-997 (2007)
3EEShibo Wu, K. Selçuk Candan: Demand-scalable geographic multicasting in wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications 30(14-15): 2931-2953 (2007)
2EEShibo Wu, K. Selçuk Candan: GMP: Distributed Geographic Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. ICDCS 2006: 49
1EEShibo Wu, K. Selçuk Candan: GPER: Geographic Power Efficient Routing in Sensor Networks. ICNP 2004: 161-172

Coauthor Index

1K. Selçuk Candan [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)