
Kuo-Chiang Wu

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8EEJin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: Design of Embedded Software Based on Rough Set and Neural Network. FSKD (3) 2007: 141-145
7EEJin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: Finding a Fitting Learning Path in E-learning for Juvenile. ICALT 2007: 449-453
6EEJin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: Using Rough Set and Fuzzy Method to Discover the Effects of Acid Rain on the Plant Growth. JCIT 2(1): 40-48 (2007)
5EEJin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: A Model for Measuring Software Understandability. CIT 2006: 192
4EEJin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: Predication of Software Reliability Based on Grey System. CIT 2006: 193
3 Jin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: A Defect Indicator for Software Quality Assurance. IMECS 2006: 850-855
2 Jin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: Fuzzy Control Chart for Software Defect Management. IMECS 2006: 86-91
1EEJin-Cherng Lin, Kuo-Chiang Wu: Digging High Risk Defects Out in Software Engineering. Intelligent Information Processing 2006: 549-554

Coauthor Index

1Jin-Cherng Lin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)