
Berlin Wu

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11EEVladik Kreinovich, Hung T. Nguyen, Berlin Wu: On-line algorithms for computing mean and variance of interval data, and their use in intelligent systems. Inf. Sci. 177(16): 3228-3238 (2007)
10EEChing-Min Sun, Berlin Wu: New Statistical Approaches for Fuzzy Data. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 15(Supplement-2): 89-106 (2007)
9EEDon Jyh-Fu Jeng, Junzo Watada, Berlin Wu, Jui-Yu Wu: Fuzzy Forecasting with DNA Computing. DNA 2006: 324-336
8EEHung T. Nguyen, Berlin Wu: Random and fuzzy sets in coarse data analysis. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51(1): 70-85 (2006)
7EEShu-Meei Ho, Berlin Wu: On the Benefits of Industrial Network: A New Approach with Market Survey and Fuzzy Statistical Analysis. ACIS-ICIS 2005: 158-163
6EEHung T. Nguyen, Tonghui Wang, Berlin Wu: On probabilistic methods in fuzzy theory. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 19(1-2): 99-109 (2004)
5EEYu-Yun Hsu, Sze-Man Tse, Berlin Wu: A New Approach Of Bivariate Fuzzy Time Series Analysis To The Forecasting Of A Stock Index. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 11(6): 671-690 (2003)
4EEBerlin Wu, Neng-Fang Tseng: A new approach to fuzzy regression models with application to business cycle analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 130(1): 33-42 (2002)
3EENhu Nguyen, Hung T. Nguyen, Berlin Wu, Vladik Kreinovich: Chu Spaces: Towards New Foundations for Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control, with Applications to Information Flow on the World Wide Web. JACIII 5(3): 149-156 (2001)
2EEBerlin Wu, Ching-Min Sun: Interval-valued statistics, fuzzy logic, and their use in computational semantics. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 11(1-2): 1-7 (2001)
1EEHung T. Nguyen, Vladik Kreinovich, Berlin Wu: Fuzzy/Probability ~ Fractal/Smooth. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 7(4): 363-370 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Shu-Meei Ho [7]
2Yu-Yun Hsu [5]
3Don Jyh-Fu Jeng [9]
4Vladik Kreinovich [1] [3] [11]
5Hung T. Nguyen [1] [3] [6] [8] [11]
6Nhu Nguyen [3]
7Ching-Min Sun [2] [10]
8Sze-Man Tse [5]
9Neng-Fang Tseng [4]
10Tonghui Wang [6]
11Junzo Watada [9]
12Jui-Yu Wu [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)