
Konrad Wrona

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5EET. Perlines Hormann, Konrad Wrona, S. Holtmanns: Evaluation of certificate validation mechanisms. Computer Communications 29(3): 291-305 (2006)
4EEKonrad Wrona, Petri Mähönen: Analytical Model of Cooperation in Ad Hoc Networks. Telecommunication Systems 27(2-4): 347-369 (2004)
3 Konrad Wrona, Robert Tracz: Electronic Cash Payments in Mobile Networks. IMSA 2001: 214-218
2EEKonrad Wrona, Marko Schuba, Guido Zavagli: Mobile Payments - State of the Art and Open Problems. WELCOM 2001: 88-100
1EERobert Tracz, Konrad Wrona: Fair electronic cash withdrawal and change return for wireless networks. Workshop Mobile Commerce 2001: 14-19

Coauthor Index

1S. Holtmanns [5]
2T. Perlines Hormann [5]
3Petri Mähönen [4]
4Marko Schuba [2]
5Robert Tracz [1] [3]
6Guido Zavagli [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)