
W. Andy Wright

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7EEJohnathan M. E. Gabbai, W. Andy Wright, Nigel M. Allinson: Visualisation of Multi-agent System Organisations Using a Self-organising Map of Pareto Solutions. IDEAL 2004: 841-848
6EEG. S. Rees, W. Andy Wright, Pillip Greenway: ROC Method for the Evaluation of Multi-class Segmentation/Classification Algorithms with Infrared Imagery. BMVC 2002
5EEW. Andy Wright: Learning Multi-agent Strategies in Multi-stage Collaborative Games. IDEAL 2002: 255-260
4EEJohnathan M. E. Gabbai, W. Andy Wright, Nigel M. Allinson: Centralised and Distributed Organisational Control. IDEAL 2002: 279-284
3EEMohammed El-Beltagy, W. Andy Wright: Gaussian Processes for Model Fusion. ICANN 2001: 376-383
2EEW. Andy Wright, Robert E. Smith, Martin Danek, Pillip Greenway: A Generalisable Measure of Self-Organisation and Emergence. ICANN 2001: 857-864
1EEW. Andy Wright: Sequential Strategy for Learning Multi-stage Multi-agent Collaborative Games. ICANN 2001: 874-884

Coauthor Index

1Nigel M. Allinson [4] [7]
2Martin Danek [2]
3Mohammed El-Beltagy [3]
4Johnathan M. E. Gabbai [4] [7]
5Pillip Greenway [2] [6]
6G. S. Rees [6]
7Robert Elliott Smith (Robert E. Smith) [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)