
Mike Wright

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5EEZhuo Fu, Richard Eglese, Mike Wright: A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for Finding All Optimal Solutions of the Assignment Problem. APJOR 24(6): 831-839 (2007)
4 Khodakaram Salimifard, Mike Wright: Modelling and Performance Analysis of Workflow Management Systems Using Timed Hierarchical Coloured Petri Nets. ICEIS 2002: 843-846
3 Mike Wright: Subcost-Guided Search-Experiments with Timetabling Problems. J. Heuristics 7(3): 251-260 (2001)
2 Peter Scott, Mike Wright, Marc Eisenstadt: Integrating a Web and Live Symposium - the Learning.Org Experience. WebNet 1998
1EERichard Marett, Mike Wright: A comparison of neighborhood search techniques for multi-objective combinatorial problems. Computers & OR 23(5): 465-483 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Richard Eglese [5]
2Marc Eisenstadt [2]
3Zhuo Fu [5]
4Richard Marett [1]
5Khodakaram Salimifard [4]
6Peter Scott [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)