
David R. Wright

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7 David R. Wright: Towards a theory of software design: Timeless principles of software system design. SEDE 2007: 320-325
6EEDavid R. Wright: The decision pattern: capturing and communicating design intent. SIGDOC 2007: 69-74
5EEDavid R. Wright: Motivation, Design, and Ubiquity: A Discussion of Research Ethics and Computer Science CoRR abs/0706.0484: (2007)
4EEThomas L. Honeycutt, David R. Wright: Building bridges: connecting research ethics and computer science. SIGDOC 2006: 1-2
3EEDavid R. Wright: Research ethics and computer science: an unconsummated marriage. SIGDOC 2006: 196-201
2EEStephen R. Schach, Bo Jin, David R. Wright, Gillian Z. Heller, A. Jefferson Offutt: Quality Impacts of Clandestine Common Coupling. Software Quality Journal 11(3): 211-218 (2003)
1 Stephen R. Schach, Bo Jin, David R. Wright, Gillian Z. Heller, A. Jefferson Offutt: Maintainability of the Linux kernel. IEE Proceedings - Software 149(1): 18-23 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Gillian Z. Heller [1] [2]
2Thomas L. Honeycutt [4]
3Bo Jin [1] [2]
4A. Jefferson Offutt (Jeff Offutt) [1] [2]
5Stephen R. Schach [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)