
G. Gordon Worley III

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4EEG. Gordon Worley III: Wikis in Tuple Spaces CoRR abs/cs/0504105: (2005)
3EEG. Gordon Worley III: Applications of quantum message sealing CoRR abs/quant-ph/0504207: (2005)
2EEG. Gordon Worley III: Bug shallowness in open-source, Macintosh software CoRR cs.SE/0407051: (2004)
1EEG. Gordon Worley III: Quantum Watermarking by Frequency of Error when Observing Qubits in Dissimilar Bases CoRR quant-ph/0401041: (2004)

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)