
Alan Woodley

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9EEAlan Woodley, Shlomo Geva: NLPX at INEX 2006. INEX 2006: 302-311
8EEAlan Woodley, Shlomo Geva, Sylvia L. Edwards: What XML-IR Users May Want. INEX 2006: 423-431
7EEShlomo Geva, Alan Woodley: The NLP task at INEX 2005. SIGIR Forum 40(1): 60-63 (2006)
6EEAlan Woodley, Shlomo Geva: ComRank: Metasearch and Automatic Ranking of XML Retrieval System. CW 2005: 147-154
5EEAlan Woodley, Shlomo Geva: Applying Transformation-Based Error-Driven Learning to Structured Natural Language Queries. CW 2005: 194-201
4EEAlan Woodley, Shlomo Geva: NLPX at INEX 2005. INEX 2005: 358-372
3EEAlan Woodley, Shlomo Geva: NLPX - An XML-IR System with a Natural Language Interface. ADCS 2004: 71-74
2EEMaha Salem, Alan Woodley, Shlomo Geva: IR of XML Documents - A Collective Ranking Strategy. INEX 2004: 113-126
1EEAlan Woodley, Shlomo Geva: NLPX at INEX 2004. INEX 2004: 382-394

Coauthor Index

1Sylvia L. Edwards [8]
2Shlomo Geva [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Maha Salem [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)