
Susan A. Wood

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3 Xiaolan Zeng, Sarah Medeiros, Susan A. Wood, Sandra Stapleton, Jimmy Roehrig, Kathryn O'Shaughnessy, Ronald A. Castellino: Computer-aided detection for mammography: improved algorithm performance with operator determined points characterized by new metrics. CARS 2004: 855-860
2 Philippe Raffy, Catalin I. Fetita, Catherine Beigelman-Aubry, Françoise J. Prêteux, Susan A. Wood, Philippe Grenier: Evaluation of computer-aided detection performance using mathematically simulated lung nodules. CARS 2004: 935-940
1EELeo P. Lawler, Susan A. Wood, Harpreet S. Pannu, Elliot K. Fishman: Computer-Assisted Detection of Pulmonary Nodules: Preliminary Observations Using a Prototype System with Multidetector-Row CT Data Sets. J. Digital Imaging 16(3): 251-261 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Catherine Beigelman-Aubry [2]
2Ronald A. Castellino [3]
3Catalin I. Fetita [2]
4Elliot K. Fishman [1]
5Philippe Grenier [2]
6Leo P. Lawler [1]
7Sarah Medeiros [3]
8Kathryn O'Shaughnessy [3]
9Harpreet S. Pannu [1]
10Françoise J. Prêteux [2]
11Philippe Raffy [2]
12Jimmy Roehrig [3]
13Sandra Stapleton [3]
14Xiaolan Zeng [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)