
Tai-Kuo Woo

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8EETai-Kuo Woo: A predictive approach for ABR traffic management in ATM networks. Computer Communications 21(1): 81-87 (1998)
7EETai-Kuo Woo: Design and performance analysis of crossbar ATM switching architecture. Computer Communications 21(1): 88-94 (1998)
6EETai-Kuo Woo, Stanley Y. W. Su: PCBN: A High-Performance Partitionable Circular Bus Network for Distributed Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(12): 1298-1307 (1993)
5 Tai-Kuo Woo, Richard E. Newman-Wolfe: Huffman Trees as a Basis for a Dynamic Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for Distributed Systems. ICDCS 1992: 126-133
4 Tai-Kuo Woo, Kenneth Block: A Recursive Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for Multiprocessor Systems with Shared Memory. ICPP (3) 1991: 292-293
3EETai-Kuo Woo, Stanley Y. W. Su, Richard E. Newman-Wolfe: Enhancing the Performance of a Dynamically Partitionable Bus Network Using a Graph Coloring Algorithm. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 29-36
2 Kenneth Block, Tai-Kuo Woo: A More Efficient Generalization of Petersons's Mutual Exclusion Algorithm. Inf. Process. Lett. 35(5): 219-222 (1990)
1 Tai-Kuo Woo: A Note on Lamport's Mutual Exclusion Algorithm. Operating Systems Review 24(4): 78-80 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth Block [2] [4]
2Richard E. Newman-Wolfe [3] [5]
3Stanley Y. W. Su [3] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)